Thursday, December 4, 2008

Recent Church family Picture

Beach Visit in Sept

I have been slacking on posting lately but completely forgot to post about our beach trip... It was great and jackson loved playing in the sand......

Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Trunk!

This was the first year for Trick or Trunk at our church and at Jack's day care (same thing). Nana decorated her trunk and Jack walked around to all of the different trunks to get tricks. He caught on really fast to getting treats in his pumpkin.......

Monday Night - Red Lion Hallween Parade

It was a cold, damp night, but Jackson loved the parade! Especially the twirlers. I guess he was scoping out the prospects........ As you can see, he loved his little light up ring. Held on tight to that all night. He finally fell asleep walking home in daddy's arms, but didn't let go of his prized possion, candy!

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Did someone say cupcakes?

I am a pig!

If you remember what my lovey, Mr. Pig, looks like, then you know what I am! This year my Nana helped me become a pig. Thanks Nana! Now where is the candy........

Friday, October 10, 2008

Cousins causing trouble...

This is what happens when you have 2 girl cousins teaming up on one innocent, cute little boy.....

Monday, October 6, 2008

Seasons are changing

Jacksons loves to be outside in his barefeet, but the seasons have changed already! Now it is time for winter coats and socks and sneakers.. yuck....

Big Man on Campus

The golden curls have disappeared as Jackson got his first Hair cut on Saturday.... He looks like such a big boy now... although mama really misses his curls.... it was time..

Friday, October 3, 2008

Jackson the Cow, what is next......

Any guesses on what he will be this year?!?!?! Can you believe this was a year ago!?! WOW

Growing up Fast!

Jackson is growing like a weed these days. He is approaching the 16 month mark and keeping us so busy.... He loves to be outside, eat and play..... It is hard to believe that it has been 16 months since we had him.. He adds such joy and excitement to every aspect of our lives...